Stiller Women in Business meeting in the Morgan Room on campus
Type Social
Semester Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Officers Sarah Kelly, President
Carleigh Lane, Treasurer
Jennifer Vincent, Faculty Advisor
Primary Contact Sarah Kelly
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Stiller Women in Business is a group of students who are committed to giving women and other marginalized communities within the business world a safe space to hang out and talk about classes and other activities on campus. You do not have to be female identifying or a business major to participate in the club. Our goal is to explore, transform, and ignite the business world, and this starts with us. Through the combined efforts of its members and leaders in the business community, SWIB strengthens their professional expertise to positively impact their careers and society.

Our Mission:

To Explore, Transform, & Ignite the Nature of Women in Business, Now and in the future.

What We Do!

Meetings | Networking Events | Skills Panels/Workshops | Mentor Program | Partnership Events with Speaking from Experience, WEI & More!

Why We Do It!

Passionate individuals | Being female role models in our field | Credibility | Encouraging confidence in a safe space | Leaving a legacy & foundation for future students | Changing the image of women in the business world | Elevating the community | Mentoring | Feasible Journey | Ability to reach out to local community | Having a voice | Resources | Making an impact in our lives & our community

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