
  • Each employee’s official personnel file is maintained in the People Center. The Vice President, People & Technology is responsible for taking reasonable steps to insure the confidentiality of personnel files. Except under special circumstances approved by the Vice President, People & Technology, personnel files may not be removed from The People Center Office.

    An employee is entitled to know what documents are in their official personnel file and to review them periodically. The only exception to this is a reference obtained in confidence from previous employers or supervisors. No employee may remove documents permanently from the personnel file, but may request to have single copies reproduced for personal use.

    Each employee is responsible for keeping the personnel file current and reporting changes in personal information to the extent that such changes are relevant to employment and benefits administration, such as changes in an employee’s name, address, telephone number, marital/civil union status, dependents, emergency contact information and educational courses or additional training completed.

    Except for verification of dates of employment, no information concerning an employee will be released outside the College unless the College receives the employee¡¯s written consent; a valid subpoena; a court order; or some other appropriate documentation demonstrating that disclosure is required by law. Furthermore, except as the law may otherwise require, The People Center will not respond to requests from prospective employers or other third parties for information regarding past employees, unless the employee has signed a release authorization to the People Center to provide requested information.

  • In accordance with the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, the College prohibits the illegal manufacturing, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of narcotics, illegal drugs, or other controlled substances on College premises, at College-sanctioned events or while performing duties for the College. Any illegal substance will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency and may result in criminal prosecution.

    Vermont law requires that an individual must be 21 years old in order to consume alcoholic beverages. Therefore, the College also prohibits possession or use of alcohol beverages on College premises except when sanctioned at special non-student College functions or when specifically authorized by the appropriate College official (Vice President or President). The possession and use of alcoholic beverages shall be authorized in accordance with Vermont state law and College policies for appropriate conduct. Beer kegs and beer balls are not permitted on campus under any circumstances. Public intoxication on campus is also prohibited. Possession of empty containers or any paraphernalia related to the use of illegal drugs is prohibited on campus as such possession implies use of drugs.

    Any violation of the College’s Drug, Alcohol and Weapons Policy will result in disciplinary action and possible dismissal. The discipline or dismissal will be imposed at the discretion of the College but may include referral to the Employee Assistance Program, a constructive mechanism the College has instituted to assist employees in treating and resolving drug or alcohol abuse problems.

    Read the Full Alcohol, Cannabis, and Other Drug Policy

  • Employment opportunities or privileges will not be denied to an otherwise qualified employee or applicant because of the need for reasonable accommodation of the individual’s disability. Discrimination based on an employee’s or applicant’s association with an individual who is disabled, and retaliation for activities taken to seek reasonable accommodations, are also forbidden.

    Reasonable Accommodations

    The College is prepared to modify or adjust, for example, the job application process, the way job duties are performed, or the work environment to make reasonable accommodation to the known disabilities of an otherwise qualified applicant or employee to enable them to be considered for the position sought, to perform the essential functions of the job, or to enjoy benefits and privileges of employment substantially equal to those enjoyed by others without disabilities, unless:

    • The accommodations would impose an undue hardship on the College and/or its business operations, or
    • Even with reasonable accommodation, the individual would still pose a direct threat of substantial harm to the health or safety of themself or others.
    • An accommodation that would be unduly costly, extensive, substantial, or disruptive or that would fundamentally alter the nature or operation of the business would impose an undue hardship.

    Request for Accommodation

    Any employee or applicant may at any time inform their immediate supervisor or the People Center of a request for a reasonable accommodation under this policy, or may indicate that an adjustment or change is needed in their job because of disability-related limitations. Individuals with disabilities must provide the People Center with a completed Employee Accommodation Request Form to assist the College in determining if and what reasonable accommodations should be provided that would enable the employee to perform the essential job functions properly and safely. Employees or applicants with disabilities may also identify equipment, aids or services that they are willing to supply and use.

  • Members of employees’ immediate family and other relatives may be employed in any Champlain College capacity in any department.

    Normally, relatives may not be employed in a situation in which one relative exercises direct supervision over another. If such a direct supervisory relationship is considered to be an advantage to Champlain College, the employment of the relative in question must be approved by the President. To obtain this approval, the hiring supervisor must submit a letter through normal administrative channels to the appropriate vice president/provost, with a copy to The People Center, requesting permission to hire the relative in question. The request should contain the names of the related parties, their relationship, the extent of job supervision, job title and nature of function to be performed, and an explanation of the advantage to Champlain College. The vice president/provost will review this request and if approved, send it to the President for final approval. If the request is denied, it will be returned to the supervisor, who will inform the employee. The People Center will inform the candidate who is the employee’s relative if the request is denied.

  • Direct Deposit

    Paychecks may be automatically deposited to your bank account. Arrangements for automatic deposit of paychecks may be made by completing the payment elections section in Workday under the ¡°All About Me¡± section. If you have any questions please reach out to the Payroll Director.


    The College may be required by law to accept legal garnishments and tax levies against the wages of an employee. When a legal garnishment is placed against an employee’s wages, deductions will be made immediately as directed.

    Paycheck Deductions

    The College makes salary deductions from each employee’s gross pay for Social Security, Medicare and Federal and State withholding taxes. Additional employee-authorized deductions may be taken with written authorization to the People Center Office. Deductions and year-to-date information are detailed on the online pay advice or the pay stub.

    Changes in marital status or number of dependents will often affect payroll deductions, insurance coverage, and the status of other College benefits. Please contact the Benefits Director for these changes.

    Pay Advances

    Champlain College will offer pay advances only in the event that an employee¡¯s paycheck is?delayed or in error due to the fault of the College, and the employee is financially unable to wait until the next scheduled pay day.

    The supervisor must request the pay advance in writing to the Payroll Department if it is a result of a College delay in submitting payroll documents or other College oversights. The request must include the reason for the advance, the amount of the advance and steps taken to prevent this occurrence in the future. The cash advance will be deducted from the employee¡¯s next regularly scheduled pay.

    The Payroll Department will draw up the Pay Advance Agreement and have the Vice President, Finance & Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer sign for approval. The check will be processed by the Accounts Payable Department during the next regularly scheduled pay run.


  • Champlain College is committed to complying with all state (VOSHA) and federal (OSHA) regulations dealing with workplace ergonomic assessments. To achieve this, the College will contract with a third party vendor to conduct those assessments as necessary at the request of any employee.

    1. Employees with questions about ergonomics will be encouraged to contact Benefits in the People Center directly to discuss any issues or to request an assessment. Benefits will notify the employee¡¯s supervisor of the contact and will arrange a time for the third party vendor to meet with the employee to perform an initial assessment.
    2. The employee will be assessed at their work station to determine if the employee is using proper posture, body alignment and weight distribution. The physical set up of the work station, mouse, furniture, and work surfaces will be inspected and adjusted for that employee. Any adjustments to the chair or other work station components will be documented. Recommendations will be discussed with the employee.
    3. If the initial assessment reveals the problem is related to equipment that is broken or cannot be adjusted, replacement of the furniture or equipment may be recommended. A copy of the initial assessment will be given to the employee and forwarded to the supervisor and the People Center.
    4. Approximately 2 weeks after the initial assessment the employee will be contacted to determine if a follow up meeting is necessary. If the pain or discomfort has persisted the third party vendor will be requested to conduct another assessment. Additional adjustments made will be documented and forwarded to the supervisor and to the Vice President, Finance & Treasurer.
    5. The People Center will be notified if an employee produces a note from a doctor that they require new furniture or other workplace modifications. New furniture or equipment will be paid for from the departmental budget of that employee. The People Center will ensure that furniture is replaced when necessary.
  • The College’s internal controls and business policies and procedures are intended to prevent or detect improper activities with respect to the College’s financial statement disclosures, accounting or business practices, finances, internal controls or auditing matters, and/or suspected violations of Champlain’s Code of Business Conduct. Nonetheless, the College welcomes information concerning potentially undetected improper activities of this sort. The College, therefore, encourages employees, students, alumni, parents and others to report in good faith, their concerns about suspected improper activity as described in this policy. No individual who, in good faith, reports a matter covered by this policy shall suffer harassment, retaliation, or adverse employment, academic or education consequence as a result.

    1. Individuals wishing to report violations or suspected violations may send or submit a sealed envelope to the Chair of the Audit Committee, Champlain College Board of Trustees, c/o President’s Office, PO Box 670, 足彩胜负14场, VT 05402-0670. If an individual wishes to discuss any matter with the Audit Committee, he or she should so indicate in the submission and include a telephone number where they can be reached. Should the Committee deem such
      communication appropriate, the individual will be contacted accordingly.
    2. Following the receipt of a complaint submitted under this policy, the Audit Committee will:
      • Acknowledge receipt of the complaint to the sender (unless anonymously submitted);
      • Investigate or direct an investigation to commence on each matter reported, and take corrective or disciplinary actions, if appropriate. In conducting an investigation, the Audit Committee or its representative, will use reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality and anonymity of the complainant. Confidentiality may have to yield to the needs of the investigation and/or the accused’s need to participate in a discussion of the situation, but the College prohibits retaliation in any event.
      • The Audit Committee may engage legal counsel or other outside professionals to conduct the investigation and provide a report to the Chair of the Audit Committee.
    3. At the conclusion of any action(s) taken by the Audit Committee under this policy, the Chair of the Audit Committee will:
      • Provide a summary report of the investigation, conclusion, and resolution regarding the suspected violations to the Champlain College Board of Trustees. A verbal or written summary may also be provided to the individual filing the complaint, as determined by the Chair of the Audit Committee
      • Provide a copy of the file to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees for the purpose of documenting and maintaining the resolution of the matter.
    4. Individuals found to be making baseless allegations without regard for their truth or falsity may be subject to institutional disciplinary action.
  • The College recognizes and supports the resolution of grievances appropriately without fear of undue prejudice or reprisal. Accordingly the College encourages the informal and prompt settlement of grievances.

    A staff grievance is an allegation by one or more staff members where there has been a claimed breach, misinterpretation, or misapplication of College policy or procedure. Concerns or complaints about discrimination or harassment on the basis of protected characteristics as defined by federal and/or state law, or related retaliation, do not fall within the scope of this policy. Such concerns or complaints should be raised and will be handled under the procedures outlined in the College¡¯s Harassment and Discrimination Complaint Procedure or the College¡¯s Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Policy Reporting Procedures.

    The following guidelines will normally be followed in seeking resolution of a staff grievance. The time limits may need to be changed within reason due to extenuating circumstances such as, for example, scheduling conflicts, semester or summer breaks, etc.

    1. When a staff member alleges that a grievance (as defined above) has occurred, the staff member is encouraged to resolve the issue informally with all involved parties including their manager and/or next level manager. Every effort will be made to encourage open communication, professionalism and respect.
    2. If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, the grievant must, within thirty (30) days of the alleged event, contact their manager in writing. If the staff member doesn¡¯t feel comfortable speaking with their manager, they should contact the People Center in writing. The Vice President of People and Technology will review the situation for resolution.


People Center

Miller Center at Lakeside Campus
Third Floor Room 331
175 Lakeside Ave, 足彩胜负14场, VT 05401
Monday ¨C Friday
8:00 AM ¨C 5:00 PM