Business people shaking hands after successful meeting

Recruitment Toolkit

At our organization, we recognize that our employees are our greatest asset. To ensure we consistently attract top talent, we've developed a comprehensive step-by-step process to guide you through the recruitment process.

Manager Forms

Steps to Recruiting

  • New Position:

    For all new positions, please contact to initiate the grading and job description process.

    Existing Position:

    For an established role, review the existing job description to ensure the information is current. When changes are warranted, contact for review. All managers should keep job descriptions for their direct reports on file.


  • For the People Center to move forward, you must submit a Position Approval Form. With permission of the Department VP, please utilize this form for any position requests including position backfills, open positions, and reallocated positions for hire. Please allow for two weeks for final approval from the COO and Finance. You will be notified by a member of the People Center team when approval is finalized.

  • Faculty Search Committee Comprisal:

    Search Committees

    Faculty positions: Search committees should have at least four, but no more than seven members. The Division Dean will establish a Search Committee comprised of:

    • Committee Chair
    • A minimum of two faculty members currently in the division but not within the program for which the position is being recruited
    • One faculty member from another division

    Former faculty members may act as advisors to the search committee if deemed helpful. The appointing, hiring authority, or supervisor cannot be a search committee member.

    Associate, Assistant, and Dean positions: The Provost will establish a Search Committee composed of:

    • Committee Chair
    • Three faculty members from within the division are required, ideally representing different programs, when seeking a Dean for that division
    • A faculty member and/or Dean from another division


  • Topics for discussion will include:

    • Sourcing plan
    • Recruitment timeline developed
    • Interview process established and team identified
    • Leveraging?your personal network
    • EEO/Diversity Requirements Discussed
    • Diversity and Inclusion in search process
    • Qualifications, experience, and competencies
    • Confidentiality


  • Use tools

    Elevate your recruitment strategies with selection tools designed for fairness and inclusivity. Explore sample rubrics and expert insights to refine your selection process. Recognizing and addressing hidden biases is essential for ensuring equitable outcomes in candidate evaluations.

    Diversity and Inclusion Resources

    • In this great Ted talk “What Does My Headscarf Mean To You”, Yassmin Abddel Magied explains the ideas of “hidden biases” or “unconscious biases” well and gives some great examples of how we may automatically make assumptions given certain situations.
    • The pamphlet “Reviewing Applicants, Research on Bias and Assumptions” compiles a list of ways to minimize the influence of bias and assumptions:
      • Strive to increase the representation of women and minorities in your applicant pool.
      • Learn about and discuss research on biases and assumptions and consciously strive to minimize their influence on your evaluation.
      • Develop and prioritize evaluation criteria prior to evaluating candidates and apply them consistently to all applicants.
      • Spend sufficient time (at least 20 minutes) evaluating each applicant.
      • Evaluate each candidate’s entire application; don’t depend too heavily on only one element such as the letters of recommendation, or the prestige of the degree-granting institution or post-doctoral program.
      • Be able to defend every decision for eliminating or advancing a candidate.
      • Periodically evaluate your judgments, determine whether qualified women and underrepresented minorities are included in your pool and consider whether evaluation biases and assumptions are influencing your decisions.

    Sample Rubrics:

  • Pre-Screening:

    Utilizing Interview Exchange, the search committee and Hiring Manager will sort candidates from the inbox into the YES, NO, or MAYBE folders and notify the Recruiter when ready to screen those in the YES folder. Recruiter makes contact with desirable candidates to speak with them about benefits and compensation prior to future involvement in the hiring process. At this point, the candidates will either withdraw or be moved forward to the HIRING MANAGER/COMMITTEE SCREEN folder for the phone/virtual interview with the search committee/Hiring Manager.

    Phone/Virtual Interview:

    Conducted by the Hiring Manager and search committees and/or Recruiter.


  • Campus Interviews:

    Champlain’s Travel Agency
    Direct Travel Company

    19 Roosevelt Highway
    Colchester, VT 05446
    (802) 655-8866; (802) 245-8459

    Pre-Approvals: We strongly encourage booking flights in advance to maintain cost efficiency. Any flights exceeding $800 will require verification with the People Center and will only be approved under exceptional circumstances.

    Booking Flights: In most cases, it’s simplest for the candidate to arrange their own travel. To facilitate this process, please contact Direct Travel at [(802) 655-8866; (802) 245-8459] and provide pre-approval details.

    Corporate Rate Hotel Information
    Courtyard 足彩胜负14场 Harbor, Marriott Hotel
    25 Cherry Street, 足彩胜负14场, VT 05401

    Hampton Inn 足彩胜负14场
    42 Lower Mountain View Drive, Colchester, VT 05446

    Hilton 足彩胜负14场
    60 Battery Street, 足彩胜负14场, Vermont, 05401

    Hilton Garden Inn
    101 Main Street, 足彩胜负14场, VT 05401

    Best Western Inn
    1076 Williston Rd, South 足彩胜负14场, VT 05403

    Hotel Vermont
    41 Cherry Street, 足彩胜负14场, VT 05401??????

    Reimbursable Items?(including meals)
    Reimbursing a Candidate:
    Candidates will need to complete a?W-9 form?for reimbursement. If submitting mileage reimbursement please include a map of the route, so that the mileage being reimbursed?is supported with documentation.?Please submit all candidate reimbursements to including the total charge and individual receipts and the?W-9 form.

    • All candidate meals
    • Candidate travel
      • Personal vehicle mileage is reimbursed at the current IRS mileage rate (65.5 cents per mile as of January 1, 2023).
      • Travel to campus-Flights/Trains/Buses
      • Transportation-ubers or cabs to campus or airport
      • Airport Parking
      • Tolls

    Candidate Meals with Search Committee or Hiring Manager:

    • We pay for a search committee and candidate meal.
    • Individual meals for candidates only.
    • Champlain staff using a PCard (highly encouraged) will need to add Kim Moran as a?delegate?to your expense report. She will add the budget number. Committee Chair reimbursement invoices should be created by the Ops Manager. The Ops Manager should email Kim Moran to apply the budget number.

    Contact: Email


    Interview Rubrics:

  • The recruitment and selection process is important for all aspects of the institution. The Recruiter has the expertise to assist hiring managers and search committees with procedures to ensure the winnowing of candidates is done fairly and objectively. At this final stage, reference checks can be an important tool to assure selection outcomes.


  • Verbal Offer:

    All offers must be approved by the CFO and COO before they are made. Once a final candidate is identified, the recruiter can start the approval process. You may start reference checks (recommend three professional references) at the same time as approval is being reviewed (if not before). Once approved, a verbal offer can be made after verification with the Recruiter that everything is in order.

    Work with the candidate to determine a start date: all new employees will start on a Monday, or a Tuesday if Monday is a holiday (this excludes faculty, who start July 1). Allow at least two weeks from the time an offer is submitted (verbal offer accepted) to when an employee may start.

    Formal Offer:

    Once a verbal offer has been accepted and a start date is selected, the recruiter or operations manager for academic positions will create the offer letter.

    Hire Process:

    1. Verbal offer given
    2. Offer letter written
    3. People Center send the offer to the appropriate VP/Provost/President/Official for signature
    4. People Center sends written offer via Adobe 足彩胜负14场 to new hire for digital signature
    5. Background check is sent to the employee via HireRight. Please allow 2 weeks for the background check to process.??Note: If the background check comes back unsuccessful, the People Center will resolve.
    6. Once the background check has come back as successfully passed, the new employee may begin working on their start date.
  • Check out our information on onboarding new employees.

  • Recognizing that the handling of regret notifications is as important as selecting candidates for hire, it is essential to ensure prompt processing. The Senior Recruiter will verify that regrets are managed appropriately. Hiring managers and search committees are encouraged to engage with candidates who have undergone phone or onsite interviews when appropriate.

People Center

Miller Center at Lakeside Campus
Third Floor Room 331
175 Lakeside Ave, 足彩胜负14场, VT 05401
Monday ¨C Friday
8:00 AM ¨C 5:00 PM