What’s the big deal about a brand?

A brand¡¯s hallmarks are used to convey the quality, commitment, and service that an institution provides. When the brand remains recognizable, trust in the institution is reinforced.

Our brand is the foundation of our identity. Through consistent use of colors, typography, and voice, the Champlain College brand is not just a symbol of the College; rather, it becomes a promise of expected values, services and products.

Champlain College shield logo in navy and green

Our Brand Platform

  • Different by Design

    Champlain is the only small private college that delivers an intentionally unconventional academic model to develop and empower forward-thinking professionals at the intersections of technology, design, business, and social innovation, capable of being leaders in tomorrow¡¯s careers and builders of a better future.

  • Ready for Work. Ready for Life. Ready to Make a Difference.

    Purpose-driven and forward-thinking, Champlain students and graduates are entrepreneurial and ready to hit the ground running. They can look at a problem from different perspectives, make ethical decisions, and think globally.

  • Inclusive | Unconventional | Relevant | Creative | Problem Solvers

  • Champlain?Ready

    Champlain College imagines a better future for the world, forged by the compassion, talents, and flexibility of it¡¯s graduates. They will understand how and why our world is ever changing, and be ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow in both their professional and personal lives.

Brand Toolkit

This guide helps Champlain College to present the integrity of our brand messaging in a clear and reliable way, enabling us to build trust with our various audiences.

This is not a strict and rigid set of rules, but a collection of guiding principles to help all of us to stay true to who we are, what we offer, and who we serve. It is meant to adapt as new contingencies emerge.

Champlain lockup


  • Logo & Primary Identity

    The visual foundation of the Champlain College brand, these guidelines ensure consistency and recognition across platforms.

  • Color

    Champlain Blue is just one of our many brand colors. If the palette looks familiar, it¡¯s because we¡¯ve designed it around the campus itself.

  • Voice

    Craft cohesive messages that support our brand pillars and focus on what differentiates Champlain College.

  • Typography

    The unsung hero of design, our typography makes our designs sing adding clarity and accessibility to the user experience.

  • Photography

    Not just a pretty picture, photography should support ideas, engage users, and show authentic examples of the Champlain College experience.

  • Editorial Style

    The Style Guide is intended to standardize Champlain’s nomenclature and writing style in print and online publications.

Office of Marketing

Miller Center Lakeside, 3rd Floor
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM