What We Do

The Champlain College Institutional Review Board (IRB) will protect the safety, health, dignity and privacy of human subjects participating in research conducted by Champlain faculty, staff and students. The IRB will provide a structured review, aligning the College with the norms of acceptable practices and the requirements for research involving human subjects (as defined herein, see Definitions) established by the federal government (see?45 CFR 46?and?21 CFR 56) which conform to ethical standards for a particular research activity or method.

Anyone formally affiliated with Champlain College who engages in research involving human subjects, either on or off campus, must apply for IRB approval. Researchers not affiliated with Champlain College but who want to conduct research with human subjects under the auspices of Champlain College must apply for IRB approval. Anyone using unpublished institutional data from human subjects collected at Champlain College for research purposes, as defined herein, must have IRB approval.

The IRB now has a standard calendar, with one review meeting scheduled in each semester. The review dates are 27 October and 23 March of each academic calendar year.

Submissions to the IRB for review should be made with an appropriate amount of time to allow review BEFORE these dates. A protocol that is expected to require expedited review should be submitted at least three weeks before the next review date, while a protocol expected to require full review should be submitted at least eight weeks before the next review date.

Note that the final decision of the level of review rests with the IRB Chair who may be reached at irb@champlain.edu.

Levels of Review

All research proposals involving human subjects must be submitted for IRB review. The IRB Chair will determine the level of review necessary for a project. Proposals will fall into one of three categories, as determined by the IRB Chair: Exempt, Expedited Review or Full Review.

Research involving human subjects that pose very little or no foreseeable risk to the health or welfare of the research subjects is generally?exempt?from an expedited or full-board review. Proposals will be deemed?exempt?by the Board Chair, with a report made to the full Board.

Research involving human subjects that pose minimal foreseeable risk to the health or welfare of the research subjects can be?expedited?by the IRB Chair. Projects eligible for?expedited?review will be voted on by three Board members chosen by the IRB Chair.

Research involving human subjects that pose more than minimal foreseeable risk is funded by federal grants, involves deception, or involves subjects from a group awarded special protections requires a?full-board review.


General Questions

Application Process

Informed Consent

Human Subjects Research Training

  • There are no special trainings for those seeking IRB approval at this time. Members of the IRB at Champlain College are required to complete a webinar offered by the Office for Human Research Protections or an equivalent training on ethical research practices. The tutorials for this webinar review human subjects regulations and policy, IRB requirements, and example scenarios. Champlain College¡¯s IRB encourages those seeking to perform human subjects research to complete this training.

  • A full list of resources available for informing and training researchers can be found at the Office for Human Research Protections website.

Office of Institutional Research & Assessment

Freeman Hall, Third Floor
163 S Willard St, 足彩胜负14场, VT 05401
Monday ¨C Friday
9:00 AM ¨C 5:00 PM