a group of students sitting outside in the fall smiling at each other

Self-Help Tools

Please explore these self-help links that provide information on community resources, online screenings, coping with anxiety and depression, support for specific populations, and a variety of other mental health topics.

Experiencing a Mental Health Crisis?

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need to speak to someone immediately, please call the on-call counselor at (802) 865-5745 or Campus Public Safety at (802) 865-6465. Counselors are available for same-day and walk-in appointments during regular business hours.

Get in touch with an on-call counselor

足彩胜负14场 Mental Health Screening

Mental Health America provides a comprehensive list of online screening tools to help you, a friend, or a loved one, take a first step in determining symptoms of a mental health condition. These online tests cover topics such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, eating disorders, addiction, and more.

While evidence-based, these self evaluator tools are for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to constitute medical advice or be a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.

Anxiety, Trauma, Depression

Knowledge is power. Whether you are looking for resources for yourself or someone you know, this list of resources compiled by our Counseling Center staff is a great place to start.

young person in bed makes a phone call


According to the American College Health Association (ACHA),?44.9% of college students experience more than average stress levels. College life can be both exciting and demanding. Everyone can feel increased levels of stress from time to time, but when stress disrupts your everyday activities, take time to determine the cause of your stress and learn how to manage it.

Find a Smart Phone App That Works For You

Downloading an app to your phone can be a great way to help you manage and cope with various experiences.

Alcohol, Drugs, Disordered Eating, Body Image

You¡¯ve come to the right place. See the resources provided at Champlain and beyond that can help you take healthy steps toward your goals.

adult hand on young person's arm in comfort

Coping Skills & Decision making

Learn new coping skills, set goals, and make decisions with these tools. Explore various aspects of your transition into adulthood.

Alcohol & Drug Resources

Champlain College’s Student Handbook outlines the College’s dry-campus alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs policy. Are you a student who wants to more positively manage your alcohol or cannabis consumption? Champlain has partnered with eCHECKUP TO GO to help you.

  • Alcohol and other drugs are prevalent on college campuses. Whether you are concerned about legal drugs such as alcohol, or illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, or ecstasy, everyone has to make decisions about drugs. You must first realize that the decision to use alcohol or other drugs is a personal one with potentially serious legal and health consequences. It is up to you to determine if, when, and how much you drink or use. Know your limits and weaknesses and take responsibility for them. Consider your reasons for using alcohol or other drugs. Is it to feel good, or to be more socially comfortable? What are your alternatives? Which ones are healthy? Which ones carry potential judicial and legal sanctions?

    Alcohol is a depressant drug that decreases body processes such as breathing, heartbeat, and brain activity. Its consumption changes behavior and judgment beginning with the first drink; those changes are progressive. The impact of any number of drinks on behavior and judgment varies for each individual and depends on social and physical factors. Social factors include mood and setting. Physical factors include:

    • Biological sex: Women usually feel the effects of alcohol faster than men of the same weight
    • Body weight
    • Type of drink
    • Amount of food in the stomach
    • The rate at which the alcohol enters the system: See Brad21 for Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) information
    • Prescription and over-the-counter medications affect alcohol metabolism

    Health effects of alcohol include hangover, dehydration, impotence, and liver and brain damage. Overdose or mixing with other drugs can cause respiratory failure and death.

    Whether you are over or under the legal drinking age, you cannot avoid making decisions about drinking at parties, on dates, or in your room. The consequences of making poor decisions about drinking can increase your risk of academic failure, getting a sexually transmitted infection, and being involved in physical assaults. They can also increase your risk of developing a long-term drinking problem. Careless decisions about drinking¨Cmade at the last minute or when you have already begun drinking¨Cusually have the worst consequences. But you can make good decisions before you drink that will protect you and those you care about. Begin with the facts and an honest assessment of your current drinking habits and be a helpful and responsible host to others.

  • The Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO program offered by Champlain will provide you with accurate and personalized feedback about:

    • Your individual drinking pattern
    • Your risk patterns
    • Your aspirations and goals
    • Helpful resources at Champlain College and in your community.

    This Alcohol eCHECKUP TO GO program was purchased for the exclusive use of, and tailored to, the Champlain College community. If you are not a member of the Champlain College, please do not proceed on the site.

  • Drugs may have both short-term and long-term health effects depending on many factors such as the type and quantity of drug, how often someone uses it, the physical and emotional health of the user and combinations of drugs and/or with alcohol. Even infrequent use of drugs can result in physical problems such as hangovers, digestive problems, heart damage, decreased sexual performance, and injuries due to lack of coordination and judgment. Other possible effects include impaired performance in class and at work, relationship conflicts and financial difficulties.

    • A Psychoactive drug is defined as a chemical or drug that has a specific effect on the mind. There are three basic categories of psychoactive drugs: stimulants, psychedelics, and depressants.
    • Stimulants – also called uppers – increase alertness, energy, physical activity, and feelings of wellbeing. Some examples are cocaine, amphetamines such as speed and crystal meth, nicotine, and caffeine.
    • Psychedelics – also called hallucinogens – can cause visual, auditory, and other sensory hallucinations. Examples are LSD (acid), peyote, and psilocybin.
    • “Club drugs” combine the properties of both stimulants and hallucinogens. The effect is a heightened sensitivity to sensory input without hallucinations or other major perceptual distortions. Examples are ecstasy, ketamine, and GHB, which are prevalent at “raves.”
    • Depressants – also called downers – decrease body processes such as breathing, heartbeat, and brain activity. Examples are alcohol, barbiturates, rohypnol (“date rape drug”), tranquilizers, and inhalants.
    • Marijuana: When smoked, marijuana triggers a mild euphoria and a heightened sensitivity of bodily sensations, along with a variety of other perceptual distortions that are usually experienced as pleasant, but not always, and not by all users. Research shows that marijuana affects the balance of chemicals in the brain that control mood, energy, appetite, and concentration.
    • Psychoactive drugs are most frequently used for “recreational” purposes. Many produce tolerance and dependence (psychological, physical, or both). The more frequently a person uses a drug and/or the larger the dose, the greater their tolerance to the drug. This means that over time, larger quantities may be needed to produce the desired effect.

    Although dependence is associated with tolerance, it is not the same thing. A person who is physically dependent on a drug needs it to function “normally.” When the drug is discontinued, withdrawal symptoms occur that can be both painful and even life threatening. Taking the drug again relieves these withdrawal symptoms, but only temporarily.

    A person who is psychologically dependent feels they cannot function “normally” without the drug. While there may be no physical illness associated with quitting, there can be severe mental and emotional distress that prompts the person to continue using the drug.

  • The Cannabis eCHECKUP TO GO program at Champlain will provide you with accurate and personalized feedback about:

    • Your individual pattern of cannabis use
    • Your risk patterns
    • Your aspirations and goals
    • Helpful resources at Champlain College and in your community

    This Cannabis eCHECKUP TO GO program was purchased for the exclusive use of, and tailored to, Champlain College. If you are not a member of Champlain College, please do not proceed on the site.

Disordered Eating & Body Image Resources

Explore helpful information about disordered eating and body image from these articles, books, organizations, and local resources.

Specific Student Populations

Find resource lists for our BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and student veteran populations. We also include a list of anti-racism resources that everyone is encouraged to review.

Three students do a jigsaw puzzle in the Women's & Gender Center.

You are not alone.

College can be both exciting and stressful. That stress can impact your mental health. Know that you’re never alone in your struggles. There is always someone to talk to.

Resources for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)

These articles and resources provide insight related to racial trauma.

Counseling Center

Skiff Hall, Room 100
163 South Willard Street
足彩胜负14场, VT 05402
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM


The contents of this web page and the resources linked to it are intended for educational and informational purposes only. Please read the remainder of our disclaimer below.

Nothing you read on the counseling webpages are meant to diagnose, substitute for, or otherwise replace actual face-to-face professional counseling.

Champlain College, the Counseling Center, the Division of Student Affairs, and the Student Health Center and their respective staff, faculty, and students, are not responsible for any action taken by any person as a result of viewing or otherwise obtaining information from this website.

Linked resources available from this website are independently composed by sources outside Champlain College, the Counseling Center, Division of Student Affairs, and the Student Health Center. Neither Champlain College, the Counseling Center, Division of Student Affairs, nor the Student Health Center can be held responsible for any content contained on those links. Any link to an outside resource does not indicate endorsement of that resource, and does not necessarily reflect the policies, opinions, or practices of Champlain College, the Counseling Center, Division of Student Affairs, and the Student Health Center.