a sunset view of Lake Champlain from the terrace of the library

Concerned About a Student?

If you have a concern about a student who is displaying behaviors that may interfere with their ability to be successful, or if you are concerned that a student’s behavior or wellbeing are negatively impacting those around them, please let the Care Team know by completing the form linked below.

Experiencing a Mental Health Crisis?

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need to speak to someone immediately, please call the on-call counselor at (802) 865-5745 or Campus Public Safety at (802) 865-6465. Counselors are available for same-day and walk-in appointments during regular business hours.

Get in touch with an on-call counselor

Students in Crisis

If a student is in immediate danger of harming themselves or someone else, please call 911 or Campus Public Safety at (802) 865-6465. Students not in immediate danger but experiencing a mental health emergency, might fall into one or more of the categories:

  • Is experiencing significant, acute, emotional distress or anxiety.
  • Does not feel they are able to cope or be in control of a situation.
  • Is communicating thoughts about suicide or self-harm.
  • Is experiencing hallucinations and/or hearing voices.

If you are with a student who is experiencing a mental health emergency, it is acceptable to stay “in role” as a staff or faculty member. Be compassionate, but do not take on the role of counselor. You can refer the student to the Counseling Center by emailing counselingcenter@champlain.edu or submit a Care Team Referral form. The student can also speak with someone immediately by calling the Champlain College 24/7 line at (802) 865-5745.

It may feel necessary to walk them to the Counseling Center. When you arrive, please let the staff person at the front desk know the student would like to meet with the triage clinician. If the clinician is free, they will meet with the student immediately. If they are assisting another student in crisis, they will meet with the student as soon as they are able to. Please note the Counseling Center is a safe place; you are welcome to wait with your student, but you are under no obligation to do so.

Due to confidentiality requirements, it may be difficult to “close the loop” and directly inform you what occurred following your student referral. In most cases the Counseling Center can confirm your concern has been received, but cannot confirm or deny if the student has agreed to crisis or on-going services.

student wears a backward white baseball cap and stands at the top of mount philo behind a black fence, looking out on the green horizon


The Care Team is Here to Help

Concerned about a student? Lean on Champlain’s Care Team. If you observe student behaviors that indicate distress or compromised personal wellbeing, fill out a Care Team referral form. Your concern will be routed to the appropriate office depending on the nature of the concern, and referred students will be contacted and offered resources.

The Care Team has also put together a helpful resource guide, which provides suggested responses and conversation starters for when you’re speaking with a student who may be struggling.

Find Out More About The Care Team

Kognito Training

a game professor speaks while reaching for a game controller sitting on the table. two students are in view in the background.

Champlain College offers a virtual training to all students, staff, and faculty to equip our community with the tools they need to help students in distress.

In this 40-minute Kognito training, you will engage in role-play “conversations” with emotionally responsive virtual humans. You will learn to recognize and identify the signs of distress in self and others, including verbal, behavioral, and situational clues, utilize effective communication techniques to support someone who shows signs of distress and understand support options.

Training Information Contact Us

Counseling Center

Skiff Hall, Room 100
163 South Willard Street
足彩胜负14场, VT 05402
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM