School/Division Division of Communication & Creative Media 
Programs Game Art Major 
Class 2020
Pronouns He/Him/His
Home State Vermont

Favorite Class

Advanced Seminar

Can you tell us about your experience in your major?

Reflecting back on my time at Champlain, these past four years have been absolutely insane. Regarding my major in Game Art, from day one, students are taught the fundamentals and principles of art and design and the history of game development. Champlain College’s Upside-Down Curriculum offers students the wonderful opportunity to explore their field of study from the very beginning. Students are pushed to go above and beyond, and to unlock their highest potential. The teachers and faculty from the different game majors work hard to provide students with the right resources and skills to prepare them for the industry, and after reflecting back on where I was four years ago in comparison to where I am now, I can certifiably say that the most passionate and dedicated individuals who pursue this field will graduate from Champlain with all of the right tools, skills, and resources that the industry is looking for.

How has Core changed your perspective?

It opened up my mind to a greater understanding of the unfathomable life experiences of others, which can be dramatically different from my own life experience. Karma is a collective experience, not just an individual one. Everyone is influenced by the way each of us shows up in the world. I grew to enjoy it, and I’ve learned an incredible amount about the world and current issues we’re working through, on both a personal and global scale.

What advice do you have for students looking to get into Game Art?

First, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Your teachers, your peers, and the Career Collaborative are all here to help guide you and support you on your journey to developing your skills, passions, and aspirations. Second, know your limDivision of Information Technology & Sciences, and break those boundaries even when all seems hopeless. If you don’t push yourself, you don’t go anywhere. Fail when you can, and learn from those mistakes (just don’t do it your senior year!). And third, there may come a time when you will ask yourself: “Do I have what it takes to make it?” The answer is yes. You CAN do this! Be bold, be daring. Love what you do, and learn how you can contribute and help others. In turn, they will help you to succeed.

The most passionate and dedicated individuals who pursue this field will graduate from Champlain with all of the right tools, skills, and resources that the industry is looking for.
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