School/Division Division of Communication & Creative Media 
Programs Game Art Major 
Class 2019
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Home State North Carolina
Study Abroad Montreal, Canada


Lighting Intern at Insomniac Games in Burbank, CA

Post-Grad Job

Lighting Artist at Insomniac Games in Burbank, CA

What is the best thing about the professors at Champlain?

The Game Art professors at Champlain are knowledgeable and invested in your future. They really go out of their way to help you whenever possible, but also make sure you develop the skills to help yourself. It’s easy to build a one-on-one relationship with your professors since class sizes are so small. I still see former professors around from classes I had two or three years ago, and they always take a moment to catch up with me.

How has Champlain prepared you for the professional world?

Throughout my years at Champlain, I’ve really had a chance to practice networking at events like the Womxn in Gaming dinners, where students and alumni get a chance to mingle. You get a chance to develop soft skills as well as technical skills at Champlain.

Can you tell us about your internship?

I worked as a Lighting Intern at Insomniac Games in Burbank, California. I helped the lighting team on Spider-Man PS4 with elements of the game like open-world reflections, lighting cinematic cutscenes, and lighting the game’s loading screens. Champlain’s Game Art program made sure I was ready to handle the workload of a major studio, even after only three years of education. My internship led to me being hired as a full-time Lighting Artist with Insomniac after graduation.

Champlain's Game Art program made sure I was ready to handle the workload of a major studio, even after only three years of education.
Jen Carlin
Jen Carlin, Class of 2019

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