Class 2022
Home State Florida
Study Abroad Travel course to Edinburgh/London/York, United Kingdom

Favorite Class

Abnormal Psychology

What made you choose your major?

I came into Champlain as a Psychology major, but in my second year I decided that I wanted to add a double major in Education. I started with a class in Elementary Education, but then realized that Secondary Education was a better fit for me. I grew up with depression and anxiety and tried to seek help, but found the mental health system lacking qualified therapists and support for queer and trans youth in particular. I wanted to dedicate my life to providing the support that I knew I needed, but never received, so no one else would have to suffer. But on the other hand, I’ve always felt drawn to the world of education. In high school, I helped out at our embedded preschool program, designing lessons for three and four-year-olds. I hold my elementary school teachers as the basis for the strong support I had growing up and the desire to always keep learning more. I couldn’t decide on just one major or one career path, so I chose to study both because I feel they’re deeply interconnected fields that often get separated into singular specialties.

What do you like about your program?

Both the Psychology and Education programs are held in the EHS Division, and we’re like a big family. We connect with different majors all the time in our classes; I have friends from basically every major in EHS. Being two of the smallest majors also means we have the chance to really work with our professors in their fields of expertise on projects that we feel inspired by. I also love that EHS students take Service Learning classes as part of our curriculum so that we can engage in meaningful work for the local community. Our motto sums us up the best: “We do good work.”

What projects have you worked on in classes that you¡¯ve found particularly rewarding?

I took a Core class called Interdisciplinary Project Studio, which is a course where students can pitch their own project ideas on any topic they want to focus on throughout the semester. I worked on developing a unit plan to teach 9th grade students about the modern history of the Korean peninsula. This not only gave me the chance to add something to my portfolio when I go into the field looking for a job as a teacher, but also allowed me to explore my own heritage and culture more deeply in a project that is both relevant and meaningful.

I wanted to dedicate my life to providing the support that I knew I needed, but never received, so no one else would have to suffer.
Jayy Covert
Jayy Covert, Class of 2022

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