School/Division Division of Information Technology & Sciences 
Programs Computer Networking & Cybersecurity Major 
Class 2021
Pronouns He/Him/His
Home State New Hampshire
Study Abroad Dublin, Ireland

Favorite Class

Systems Security

Post-Grad Job

Systems Administrator

How do you feel about your professors at Champlain?

The professors at Champlain have all really cared about the students. None of them are there to fail students or to just grade assignments. They all genuinely care and want the students to learn. They are flexible within reason, and are always open to a one-on-one conversation about anything.

What projects have you worked on in classes that you¡¯ve found particularly rewarding and useful?

I’ve worked on many great projects during my time at Champlain, but if I had to single some out, I would say all of the projects we have worked on in my System’s Security class have been really useful. They are self-directed in the sense that you are assigned an objective and must complete that objective in any way that you can. This has been very useful in preparing us for real life. In the real world, no one will sit down with you and walk you through how to solve a problem. You have to use your resources and think through the problem on your own to find a solution. This class has really helped me to develop those skills.

How has your Champlain experience prepared you for your future career?

Champlain has prepared me for my future career exceptionally well. I have grown as a person and developed many skills that will serve me well in life unrelated to my field. Additionally, my coursework has provided an unbelievable education that will allow me to succeed in my career.The thing that has had the most profound effect on my future career while at Champlain is the Leahy Center. The experience I have received while working at the Leahy Center has been invaluable, and it was the perfect supplement to my coursework and personal development.

My coursework has provided an unbelievable education that will allow me to succeed in my career.
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