Faculty Member Core Division 
Pronouns She/Her/Hers
Education Monterey Institute of International Studies, Master of Arts; University of Vermont, Bachelor of Arts
Areas of Expertise
  • Climate & Ecological Psychology (e.g. climate anxiety)
  • Environmental Humanities & Ecological Art
Contact Aiken 100


Ariel K. McKnight Burgess’ interests revolve around how we foster relationships between humans and the more-than-human world that are rooted in care, justice, and mutual responsibility. Through her research on the psychological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of the climate and ecological crises, Ariel aims to nurture transformational change. With a specialty in climate and ecological psychology, recently she has been thinking a lot about eco-empathy, ecological mourning, and resilience.

At Champlain, Ariel teaches interdisciplinary ecologically-oriented courses where she explores with her students how topics like science, justice, policy, history, art, economics, social change, worldviews, and ethics are interwoven.

Outside of Champlain, Ariel facilitates eco-grief and eco-empathy workshops, and hosts monthly Eco-Resiliency Gatherings, which are always free and open to all who are interested. Ariel is earning a doctorate in ecopsychology with a specialization in climate response and resilience. She holds a bachelor’s in environmental studies and studio art, and a master’s in international environmental policy.

Publications & Abstracts

Burgess, A. K. McK. expected 2023. “Eco Empathy.” In Ecological Feelings: A Rhetorical Compendium, edited by Joshua Barnett. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.

Favorite Quote

“The way out is in.”

¡ªThich Nhat Hanh

More Faculty in Core Division

Patricia Aldredge
Dean, School of Social Innovation | Dean, Division of Communication & Creative Media | Dean, Core Division
Jonathan Banfill
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Charles Bashaw
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Kelly Bowen
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Kristian Brevik
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Ciaran Buckley
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Veruska Cantelli
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Weiling Deng
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Jeffrey Haig
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Miriam Horne
Amy Howe
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Isabella Jeso
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Erik Kaarla
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Fred Kosnitsky
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Michael Lange
Robert Mayer
Flavio Rizzo
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Frank Robinson
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David Rous
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Gary Scudder
Erik Shonstrom
Associate Professor
Stephen Wehmeyer
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Kristin Wolf
Associate Professor
Katheryn Wright
Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Digital Humanities; Director of Study Abroad
Faith Yacubian
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Amanda Young
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