Creative Media Portfolio

Submitting a portfolio to?Slideroom is a recommended but not required step in the admissions process for the Creative Media major. You can submit work in a portfolio that shows your capacity for developing your own ideas and approaches.

Students in the Creative Media BFA program work in multiple media, eventually declaring two areas of focus from our options: Moving Image, Creative Writing, Visual Art & Design, Interaction Design, Sonic Arts, Game Media.

In the program, students are encouraged to combine media in unexpected and innovative ways. Experimental, socially engaged, and personal approaches are emphasized. In tandem with developing technical and professional skills, students are expected to develop a personal voice in their work. We aim to cultivate your abilities as an artist and your confidence toward developing and pursuing your own distinctive ideas.

Submit Your Portfolio

There are three parts to the Creative Media BFA portfolio:

  • As part of your portfolio, create a?new creative piece?that responds to the theme of ¡°transformation.¡± This piece can be in any medium (or combination of media) or genre and can address the theme in any manner. You may upload multiple files if need be; for instance, a sculptural piece may be documented from multiple angles. Please limit time-based works (audio or video) to 8 minutes and written pieces to 2,500 words.?Links to your work posted on YouTube or Vimeo are also acceptable.?In addition to the piece itself, please submit a brief statement of 100¨C400 words about your process and intentions in creating this specific piece.

  • Submit five (5) additional pieces demonstrating your creative work. We appreciate seeing your technical skills, but we are especially interested in your creative direction. Please submit at least some pieces that demonstrate the themes, processes, or ideas that drive you.

    • Portfolio work samples do not need to be created specifically for this portfolio. They may be drawn from a combination of work done on your own and for class assignments.
    • Portfolio work samples must include work in more than one medium. Since working in multiple media is a fundamental part of the program, we want to see that you have a commitment to working in multiple media. So, for example, if you are primarily submitting writing, we will also need to see at least one piece of visual art, video, sound, or some other medium. If you are primarily submitting audio recordings, we will also need to see at least one piece of creative writing, visual art, video, etc. We recognize that applicants may have more familiarity with some media and less with others.
    • Please limit time-based works (audio or video) to 8 minutes each and written pieces to 2500 words.
    • Links to your work posted on YouTube or Vimeo are also acceptable.
  • The faculty want to learn about your creative process, sources of inspiration, goals in pursuing the arts, and anything else you feel demonstrates your creative passions and readiness for the program. Please let us know which of the Creative Media focus areas (Moving Image, Creative Writing, Visual Art & Design, Interaction Design, Sonic Arts, Game Media) you think you would be most interested in pursuing, identifying two areas at a minimum.

  • We realize that students will arrive at Champlain with many stages of skill development. Skill and craft are important, but we are especially interested to see your capacity for developing your own ideas or approaches. Students applying to the Creative Media major should demonstrate their readiness through the combination of creative works and a written statement. Our faculty members seek students who are willing to take creative risks and explore varied approaches to art making and presentation.

  • Upload your files to?Slideroom?and finish the application by answering the last questions about yourself in the online form.


Submit Your Portfolio


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Creative Media Major

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Please contact your?Admissions Counselor for specific questions about the Creative Media (BFA) Portfolio Review requirement.

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