a student at a white board tutors 2 other students at a table

Getting Help Should Never Be Hard

We believe that to our core, and it’s something we stand by. Your academic success is a critical part of your college experience¡ªand trust us, we know class isn’t the only thing you come to college for, but it does sets the tone for your future career. With our experience-based educational model, when you succeed in the classroom, it tells us you’ll succeed out there in the real world. Whether you’re looking to get help, to get ahead, or to get some extra resources for a project or assignment, we’ve got you covered¡ªseriously.

Welcome to SMART Space

  • students collaborating on an applied math assignment
    One-Stop Shop for Non-Stop Support

    The SMART (Study Mentors And Resource Tutors) Space is your headquarters for academic success. The resources and programs below are designed to help you meet your educational and career goals. Make the most of the Champlain experience with academic coaching and subject-area tutors.

    Peer Coaches & Tutoring: Peer tutors, recommended by Champlain faculty and trained by SMART Space staff, offer help with course content, homework assistance, and test preparation. Peer writing consultants provide writing support for all members of the Champlain community.

SMART Space Features

students talk about computer programming in the tutoring center

Peer tutors, recommended by Champlain faculty and trained by SMART Space staff, offer help with subject-specific course content, homework assistance, and test preparation. While tutoring assistance can be arranged for nearly any subject, the SMART Space facilitates the following tutoring centers:

  • Cybersecurity,?Digital Forensics & Programming
  • Game Majors
  • Math
  • Writing

Academic coaches work with you one-on-one to help you create personal plans for academic success. Coaches can help you manage your time, improve your study skills, advocate for yourself, build your reading comprehension, and stay on top of your assignments throughout the semester. To learn more, visit our academic coaching page.

transfer student talking with admission counselor
A room full of business professionals networking

Why work harder when you can work smarter? This important life lesson is one we’re here to help you pick up in college and take with you in all areas of your life. Some of our regular workshops and events include time management strategies, how to remove barriers when you’re feeling stuck, building resilience and persistence in classwork, and how to start fresh with a growth mindset.

Champlain students have access to free, round-the-clock online tutoring through Brainfuse. Their robust services include provides 24/7 help in math and writing, live help in business subjects (accounting, finance, and economics), computers and tech subjects, programming languages, resume review, and interview coaching. Whether you need assistance with assignments or feedback on written projects, you can receive on-demand help.

student working on a laptop in the sarah ramsey lab
The advice I would give to an incoming student (and myself, honestly) would be to take care of yourself. You can¡¯t do good work if you¡¯re not tending to your needs and your wellbeing, which should be your highest priority. It¡¯s okay to take time for yourself and ask for help.
Student Molli Shuker
Molli Shuker ’23, Game Design // Georgia

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