Doug Babcock presents a slide deck to a group of people

Continuing your education can take you in unexpected directions, opening up avenues you never thought to explore. For Doug Babcock, Champlain College played a pivotal role in helping him discover his strengths. From the surprising insights of a Myers-Briggs assessment to founding a company dedicated to developing values-based leaders, Doug has embraced the journey and successfully forged a new career path.

As the demand for values-based leadership grows, companies and employees alike are increasingly looking for leaders who can advance their mission as a force for good. We recently caught up with Doug Babcock, a Champlain College MBA alumnus from the Class of 2009, to discuss his journey, business, and advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. Here’s what he had to say.

profile photo of Doug Babcock
Doug Babcock

Q: Having worked in a variety of roles, from serving on the Coast Guard and as a firefighter, to Director of Public Safety and President of a small business, what inspired you to start your own business?

A: As I moved through different industries and roles, I found that the decision-making and values-based leadership skills I developed in public safety and higher education also applied to the C-suite.

I launched Counterparts Coaching and Consulting in January 2024 with the goal of increasing self-awareness and emotional intelligence in high-consequence fields to improve leadership, culture, and crisis decision-making.

Counterparts Coaching and Consulting develops values-based leaders who make the world a better place. We provide values-based leadership coaching and consulting services primarily to professionals in public safety, emergency management, healthcare, higher education, business, government, and other consequential positions.

Q: Embarking on an entrepreneurial path is both exhilarating and challenging. What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs and business owners? Is there something you wish you knew when you were getting started?

A: 1) Be a lifelong learner. Learn from all sources, even those you don’t agree with. 2) There are people out there who want to and can help. Reach out and ask. You’ll be better for it. 3) Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.

Q: How has your experience at Champlain College impacted you personally or professionally as a business owner?

A: One of the first assignments in my MBA class was to take the Meyers-Briggs assessment. The results and the conversations it sparked in my class and in my life set me on a path of leadership development I never imagined. I continue to draw from my classes, projects, and conversations in my professional life to this day.

Brianna Newman
Development Coordinator
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