a student sitting in the auditorium smiling

Dear Dublin, the debut film made by Evelyn Gustafson, ¡¯21 // Filmmaking, was inspired by her adventures studying abroad at Champlain¡¯s campus in Dublin, Ireland.

When Evelyn Gustafson spent a semester at our Champlain Abroad campus in Dublin, Ireland, she never thought it would lead to three awards at a major film festival. Gustafson studied abroad during the Fall 2019 semester in Dublin, and enrolled in Barrie Dowdall¡¯s Filmmaking II course. Each student in the course was asked to write, cast, shoot, edit, and present a film using Dublin as a backdrop. Her film, titled ¡®Dear Dublin,¡¯ tells the story of a young girl, Cara, who finds a lost diary in Dublin and decides to read it in hopes of finding the owner and a little bit of adventure.

three students standing in Ireland
Gustafson and fellow students take in the view on a trip to the Cliffs of Moher, Co. Clare, Ireland.

¡°I had the concept for Dear Dublin floating around in my head for quite a while before I even thought about going to Ireland,¡± Gustafson said. ¡°When I arrived in Dublin, I found a cute art shop and ended up buying a journal which had a James Joyce quote on the front¡ª¡®When I die, Dublin will be written in my heart¡¯¡ªwhich eventually solidified my idea for my junior year film.¡±

Dear Dublin recently won awards for Best Original Story, Best First Time Director, and Best Young Actress at the New York Film Awards. ¡°I am so happy with how Dear Dublin turned out and I¡¯m especially proud of the story and direction,¡± said Gustafson. ¡°I was confident in my film going in, and I¡¯d hoped to win something or even just be nominated. I was taken completely by surprise when I won three awards! I am absolutely thrilled.¡±

a flyer for the winner of the new york film awards from February 2021, presented to the film "Dear Dublin" by Evelyn Gustafson

Dowdall, Champlain Dublin¡¯s filmmaking instructor, knows a thing or two about winning awards at film festivals. His own recent film, ¡®The Irish Woman Who Shot Mussolini,¡¯ won Best Documentary Feature at the Kerry International Film Festival in 2020 and is currently being shown at film festivals around the world. ¡°I always encourage students to think outside of the box and to dream big¡ªbearing in mind that you are working with zero funding,¡± says Dowdall. ¡°Evelyn certainly took that advice to heart in making her film. Storytelling is key. I am very proud to be part of the Champlain team enabling young filmmakers to dream BIG.¡±

¡°Instructor Dowdall was a huge support for me throughout production and the semester in general,¡± says Gustafson. ¡°He is such a great professor. He has so much experience and cares so much about each production he helps with.¡±

A film poster for the movie "Dear Dublin" created by a champlain college student

¡°My study abroad experience with Champlain College Dublin was the best four months of my life for so many reasons,¡± says Gustafson. ¡°Champlain makes it so easy to take advantage of fantastic opportunities like the one I had. It was especially amazing for me because I got to step so far outside my comfort zone¡ªwriting and directing my own short film in a different country!¡±

When I die, Dublin will be written in my heart.

James Joyce

Gustafson now not only has life-long memories of an unforgettable experience in Dublin, but she also has three awards to tack onto her resume as she heads toward graduation and the launch of a successful career.

Dr. Stephen Robinson
Stephen Robinson is the Director of the Champlain Abroad Dublin, Ireland campus

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